Yukiko Miyari from Addicted Planner Stickers is taking the reins for this month's Artist Takeover. Here Yukiko explains how her three small children inspired her to make a Childcare Journal to capture all the wonderful moments they had shared together.
Please can you give me an introduction about who you are and what you do?
I am a complete writing geek and writing tool collector. I married young, had three children in four years, and stayed very busy. In between busy days, keeping a childcare journal after the children went to bed became my life's work. In my search for a writing instrument that was more comfortable to write with, I came across fountain pens. At first, I started a social networking service to get information about fountain pens and to make friends with people who share the same hobby. I'm so grateful that this has evolved to some really fun job opportunities working with my favourite pen brands.

When did you start drawing?
I have loved writing since I was a child. Although, If anything, I prefer writing to drawing. In elementary school, I imitated the handwriting of many of my friends and practiced until I could write. In junior high school, I was more absorbed in making my notebooks beautiful than in studying, and was often scolded by the teacher for not remembering the content of the class.
私は子どもの頃から書くのが大好きでした。(どちらかというと、描くより書く方が好きです)小学生の時は、 沢山の友達の筆跡を真似て、書けるようになるまで練習しました。 中学生になってからは、 勉強するよりもノートを美しく仕上げることに情熱を燃やし、授業の内容を全く覚えていなかったので、 よく先生に怒られました。
What appeals to you most about what you do?
Extra fine writing

If you had to start again, what advice would you give yourself?
Resources have gone up in price over the past decade, and the price of stationery is going up and up! Don't procrastinate on what you want to buy, get it right away!

What are the best resources you’ve found online or elsewhere that helped you get started?
Instagram and Pinterest, there are so many inspirational artists and creatives there so it's great to start there.
Who are the artists/individuals that inspire you most and where can we find them?
I love Tercia's instagram account @skybambi her journals are so detailed and beautiful.